Getting started with Hyvor for the Loch Arkaig Webcam
Hyvor is the current commenting system used by the Woodland Trust for their Loch Arkaig webcams page. It's fairly straightforward to use, but if you're having issues, here's a few critical links you might need.
If you need a new account:
You should head to the sign up page:

Then just fill in the details like this:

When you sign-up, you'll need to input a six digit code they sent to your email. Remember to check your spam folder, as it might end up there. And keep a note of your password, if you're not using a password manager.
If you get to a page that looks like this, you're in the wrong place:

That's the area for adding Hyvor to your own website. Follow the link above instead.
If you have an existing account:
You should head to the login page, which you will find here:

Pop in your username and password, and you're away. If you can't remember your password, hit the "forgot password" link, and it'll send you a recovery email.
The link can be hard to see (yellow on white? Really?)

Again, check your spam folder if you don't see it in the first few minutes.
Changing your photo, username or email
Once you have an account, you can change your details, including user icon, email address and username from the chat page itself.
Just click or tap on your user pic by the comment box, and then select the Hyvor Account option at the bottom:

Clicking or tapping on that should bring you to this screen:

There you can edit to your heart's content!
Managing email notifications
Again, just as above, you can click on your profile picture where they comment box is, which brings down a menu. Just click or tap on Settings to bring up the checkboxes:

All set?
Head over to the webcams, and enjoy making observations about what we hope will be a productive season on the nests!

Member discussion